We are a point of reference for those who want to take
care of their pet’s health,
Our patients, before any operation or investigation that requires anesthesia or sedation, undergo an anesthesiological visit and any collateral tests: blood tests, X-rays, ultrasounds, electrocardiograms. This, to determine the state of health in order to identify the anesthetic risk and use the most suitable protocol for that particular patient.
Pre-operative indications
The sector is equipped with advanced instrumentation: anesthesia machines, ventilators and new generation monitoring. Loco-regional anesthesia techniques represent one of the strengths of the sector and the most advanced methods are applied through the use of ultrasound. Upon awakening from anesthesia, patients who do not need to be hospitalized are kept under observation until complete awakening and recovery of normal body temperature.
Who is the anesthesiologist
An anesthetist is a doctor who specializes in anesthesia, pain management, and intensive care. He has the task of defending the patient, taking care of him before, during and after surgery.
What is anesthesia
Anesthesia is a complex medical technique that allows the veterinarian to safely perform the necessary surgery on an unconscious patient who does not feel pain, respecting his physiology as much as possible.
General anesthesia
General anesthesia is obtained by administering intravenously or by the respiratory route of drugs that abolish consciousness and the perception of pain. The decision to carry out gaseous or intravenous anesthesia is made according to the type of operation and the patient’s state of health.

Loco-regional anesthesia
Loco-regional anesthesia (spinal, epidural, regional block) makes it possible to anesthetize a more or less circumscribed region of the body while maintaining a superficial anesthesia plane, decreasing the risks associated with deep planes of anesthesia. This procedure makes it possible to completely abolish pain transmission by decreasing the amount of analgesic drugs in the intraoperative and postoperative period. In some types of patients, such as very quiet individuals, regional anesthesia may allow a procedure to be performed with the individual only lightly sedated or even awake.
• Epidural or epidural anesthesia
Epidural anesthesia is a loco-regional anesthesia technique that involves the administration of anesthetic/analgesic drugs through a needle and/or catheter positioned in the epidural space, a virtual space located inside the vertebral column between the yellow ligament and the dura mater. that is, the protective “wraps” of the marrow. It allows to block the painful stimulations which, through the peripheral nerves, reach the spinal cord and then to the brain and allows to anesthetize large parts of the body (eg. abdominal region and lower limbs.
• Nerve blocks
After sedating the patient, the anesthetic is injected directly around the nerves that transmit sensitivity to the area undergoing surgery, so only a specific region of the body is anesthetized. In this way the general anesthesia plan can be kept more superficial, reducing the risks associated with anesthesia. The pain is blocked and does not reach the central nervous system, without the use of systemic painkillers both during the operation and in the following hours, reducing the onset of side effects (nausea, disorientation…). The central nervous system, protected by loco-regional anesthesia, is not reached by pain transmission and therefore does not initiate the production of stress hormones: the metabolism and the immune system can consequently work for a better and faster post-operative recovery.